between several fantastic creations of his youtube channel, this one from CarterandCoProducts get my attention cause it's fantastic smooth and realistic walking movement, also the steering mechanism is nicely done.
Built over a year ago, it's good to finally the rest of the world knows about it
"lego gbc, I've never seen one like this on youtube, I would like someone that's an expert lego builder to build a module like mine using the same lift design"
This idea of using a kind of "unidirectional valves" is similar to others such as the Akiyuky's Step module V2 but in this device the balls where fully vertically lifted, in fact it's a vertical jigsaw with stops, and it has possibilities of being improved on more visual way and become a great gbc module. Nice work!
After the revolutionary video of GBC 20 modules,Akiyuky has uploaded another epic video to make clear that he keeps all of his creations assembled, note that some modules are modified and improved, like the Spiral Lift Type2.
And now, relax and enjoy the video:
tracking the blue and red balls.
running at 1.0 balls/sec construction time : 600 hours
"SoundMachine is a 4 track 8-step drum sequencer that uses the LEGO Mindstorms NXT to scan a set of drum "notes" which are then played using Ableton Live. The NXT uses four colour sensors to detect the colour of 2x2 LEGO bricks as the plate is scanned in. A controller written in Processing interprets the colour pattern and sequences MIDI note messages to send to Ableton Live, which in turn plays the sounds you hear.
The music on the video was created by SoundMachine itself - music you can build"
This video shows how the plate is scanned and converted into notes in the GUI, which in turn sends MIDI commands to Ableton Live to play the music.
The Sqiddster's latest GBC module was an amazing NXT contraption, this time went to the opposite, an excellent mechanical contraption with only one motor,with this he has reached a place in the gbc builders hall of fame. ^^
Depending on scale it will work fine for different uses, cobblestone, rough fabric... Nice example of how the Technic pieces have SNOT uses for regular building.