November 27, 2012

Kingstown, USA, 1959

Henrik Hoexbroe has presented all his work of several months in the HispaLUG Expo 2012

With all of you the diorama Kingstown, USA, 1959, reaching the perfection of what a LEGO diorama could be.

Hoexbroe LEGO

No matter if you love regular Lego or not, or if you like 50's or 60's , the detail level in here is just spectacular, and this is the creation of only one person... 
Hoexbroe LEGO

See more photos and information in Mocpages, a video and some more information about the mega-moc bellow 

Technical data from Mocpages description:

The diorama is 12 baseaplates (32x32) long.
The covered corners meassure 0,5m each, covering the curved tracks for the train.
=> 408cm long.
Depth is 3 baseplates + 1/2 baseplate for the train.
The train track is a simple circle. No points used.
There are 24 cars, trucks and busses distributed on the layout. They have all been presented individually here on MOCpages.
There is only one train.
There are a total of 94 minifigs distributed around the diorama.
The blue-sky background is re-used from the "Royville" MegaMOC 2011 project. There is still room for expansion, as the backdrop will span 13 baseplates total!
The project has taken 6 months to build, at a relaxed pace.
It takes 4 hours to set up and 2 hours to take down. (not relaxed ;-) )

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